Assistance Nomination Form

YOUR generous giving allows us to not only respond to benevolence requests in our city, but also, to look for opportunities to lift burdens and meet needs for the members of Grace Fellowship Church. But to do that, we need your help! Please use this form to let us know about needs within our church body, so we can follow up. Thank you!

By the way... Our Prayer, Meal, Visitation, and Helps Teams are always serving and loving our members. If you are interested in being a part of those teams, please visit the Care page on the web site and let us know. Also, in some seasons, Care Groups like Re:Generation, GriefShare, Navigating Divorce, and Single Adults can provide a healthy community in which to recover and heal. Visit or send people to those pages for the most up-to-date info, or refer them to me any time. My contact info is below.

Thank you!

Jamin Rathbun, Pastoral Care

NOTE: We do not need contact information for the nominee. Our first step is to search the church database to confirm that they are an active member. For non-members, or for general community benevolence requests, please ask the applicant to use the form located at

Examples: Jim lost his job in March and has fallen behind on rent. Elaine was inured at work and has fallen behind on bills while she waits for her short-term disability to be approved.
Example: We purchased groceries and paid Bill and Wendy's mortgage in August.
NOTE: We are happy to preserve your anonymity if you prefer, but it's helpful to confirm that these requests come from active church members, and to follow up if needed.