GFC’s Care Ministry is committed to caring for individuals and showing them the love of Christ in different ways. By leading care groups, meeting immediate needs, and being present with people during difficult and trying times, you can help hurting people experience healing, recovery, and growth in Christ.
Prayer Team
You can receive a weekly email with current prayer needs, and if you’d like, join us Friday mornings from 7-8, Sunday mornings from 8-9, or after each service to pray with those who come forward with requests.
Visit residents at Courtyard Christian living on the second Sunday of each month, or be available to visit other members who are homebound, in the hospital, without local family, or in long-term care.
Deliver meals, participate in meal trains, and send gift cards for new mothers, recent patients, and families who are grieving losses or amid a crisis or trial.
Mentor a participant going through Re:Generation. This would be a 1-year commitment to meet with a participant for an hour a week as they work through the 12 steps. Training is provided on the first Monday of each month from 6:30-8:30 pm.
Work with other handy church members or with students as a mentor to help widows and single moms with minor home maintenance, lawn cleanup, or some other kind of help around the house.