Building Community
May I just share how thankful and grateful my husband and I are to have found Grace Fellowship Church?
Last September we moved to Tennessee from California. As we were getting our house ready to sell and I was boxing up all of our belongings, I prayed that we would find a good church out here. I asked God specifically for a church with good pastors, good music, but equally important sweet people.
We left all of our family and many friends in California. I’ve always known how important it is for Christians to have a good support system around them. Before we left, our pastors from California asked if we knew of a good church out here, I told them we would keep going every Sunday until we found one.
The first three weeks we were here we visited a church close to where we live, but felt that wasn’t the community of believers God had for us. Then, one day while eating at Cracker Barrel a worker there told us about GFC. We came that very week and loved it! A few weeks later I joined the women’s summer Bible study and realized over half the ladies at my table had just moved here from different states as well.
It only made sense to me, that since so many of us were new we should have lunch together, so I stood up at the end of bible study and invited everyone to Ole Guacamole for Tuesday $1.00 tacos! Every week after that, eight to ten ladies would go out to lunch and I had the opportunity to meet new friends and fellowship with other Christians. After that study ended, I continued meeting with women every week to get together for coffee, eat treats and fellowship with these wonderful ladies.
Now my husband and I are attending the Senior Bible Study together and we are meeting some great folks there. I am also going to Re:generation and meeting some awesome people there, too. I guess if I could say one thing to anyone who is new to Grace Fellowship Church, it would be start reaching out! Join groups and get involved. I have found that most of the people here are friendly, very nice and welcoming.
If you are not getting a warm welcome from somebody, chances are that person might be new too or maybe they’re shy or self-conscious. Most everyone I have met here has been very friendly to me.
Just so you know, I am not a super model, not beautiful, not thin, and not rich. I am actually kind of goofy (I love super heroes and sci-fi). My only claim to fame is that I love Jesus and I am so thankful I am a Christian. If the ladies at Grace Fellowship Church like me, odds are they will probably like you too! So please, give us a chance to meet you!
Kathleen McElvany