Did hospitality facilitate a welcoming and warm atmosphere? (parking lot, entrances, lobby, auditorium, cafe)
Based on attendance, traffic patterns, parking, and/or volunteer feedback, would you recommend any changes to Saturday or Sunday morning service times?
Was one photo booth enough based on wait times, space, and overall feel?
Do you have any ideas/recommendations on how to create a more welcoming experience for our guests?
On a scale of 1-10 (with 1 being abysmal and 10 being exceptional), please rate the service experience. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
What was your overall impression of the service as a whole?
Was the time of singing accessible and/or engaging to new-comers? Why/why not?
Was the time of singing engaging and accessible to younger generations (13-25)? Why/why not?
Was the general production (sound mix, lighting, screens) helpful in engaging during worship (singing and the message)? Why/why not?
Did the video stories capture the theme of the message and resonate with you on an emotional level?
Was the message theme engaging and accessible to non-believers and believers?
What was the most positive element of the service as you experienced it?
What is something that could be improved in the service?
What was morale like for your volunteer team? (or team you served on)
Did you face any challenges with volunteers?
In speaking with your team or congregants, did any comments surprise you or stand out to you?
How did YOU feel going into the weekend? Did you have the margin to worship, to lead others well, etc.? Why/why not?
Are there any ways we can better support one another to elevate the experience of all in attendance, staff included?
Is there anything else you'd like to add? Any ideas, concerns, or kudos?