Event Communication

If class or groups you must list an end time.
if onsite, specify which room
Please specify if there is no cost by typing "0".
Direct any questions about childcare to Josh Foxx, jfoxx@gfcnow.com
this will appear on the event page on the main website calendar
Groups that cannot be joined after the start date will not appear on the events calendar (gfcnow.com/events) after the first meeting date.
this includes specific additional questions you want to ask - things like T-shirt size, spouse/guest name, Waiver acknowledgment, or any other information you need to collect!
this will determine when it shows up on the website, and is ready for sign up
*If you already have one please email design file to Liz at ljudd@gfcnow.com and Sabrina at sphillips@gfcnow.com
May also be featured in Connect Corner with an info card.
If Yes: Please schedule a meeting with Liz to discuss.