College Students: (18-22) will worship together on the FIRST Thursday of every month, from 6:30-8:30pm at GFC.

Grace Young Adults College Group: will meet every Thursday from 6:30-8:30pm at GFC. Come for coffee, friendships, and gospel-centered Bible study. If you are around age 18-22, college student or not, this is for you!

Young Professionals: (23-early thirties) will worship together on the SECOND Thursday of every month from 6:30-8:30pm at GFC. We’ll eat together, worship together, and explore God’s Word as a community of faith.



We believe that God has designed us for relationships and through those relationships, the Spirit of God changes our hearts from the inside out. Throughout the month, small groups meet in homes, coffee shops, and campuses across the Tri-Cities to form meaningful connections as we dive into God’s Word together.



Faithful worship involves not only a deep love for God, but a deep love for others. For this reason, Grace Young Adults is committed to reaching the broken and vulnerable in our city. We have the privilege of serving ministries around Johnson City in Jesus’ name.

Care Family

Care families meet once a month to share a meal together. It’s a great way to get to know another family in our church. We will connect you, and they will care for you!

Small Groups

Small groups are the best way to connect relationally and grow spiritually. They meet throughout the month in various locations. Several types of groups are available.

Leadership Team

Have a heart to serve and a passion for influencing our generation? The leadership team is the place for you. Interested? Click below to email GYA Pastor Jacob Bouvier.