Head Coverings and Gender in the Church

1 Corinthians 11:2-16

Paul writes to the church at Corinth in the latter part of 1 Corinthians (chapters 11-14) about how to gather for corporate worship in a more functional way. Their gatherings had become quite dysfunctional, and Paul needed to address a number of areas. He starts with the issue of head coverings. 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 is one of the most widely disputed passages in the whole New Testament, not just because of sensitivity around gender roles in today’s world, but because of some of the Greek word choices and the confusing, seemingly incoherent train of thought Paul employs. As we dive in, we discover through the fog that Paul’s primary point is surprisingly clear. And as we embrace it, we experience more fully the beauty of God’s design for the church.

“Jesus’ debates with the Pharisees would “be better seen as torrid insider debates between different versions of the same goal: the coming of God’s kingdom on earth as in heaven.” – NT Wright

When we encounter difficult passages of Scripture…

  1. Look at it in context.
  2. Look at in light of Scripture as a whole.
  3. Don’t build a primary doctrine around it.

God’s intention for gender in the church is equality and distinctionfor the sake of unity!

Prayer Points

  • Pray that as a body of believers at Grace Fellowship Church, we would have the wisdom and
    humility to live out the kind of heart and posture that we’re invited to in this text.

Recommended Resources (for those who want to dig deeper!)