Making a Move
For over 7 years, Sam Antley has been a huge blessing to our church through using his amazing gift of playing keys for our worship services. I always look forward to our communion times where he, so often, will use non-traditional chords to help move us all toward a deeper reflection on what Jesus has done for us. In fact, we joke that Sam’s mission is to try to nudge us to be a little more gospel and perhaps a little less bluegrass!
Sam’s job often has him in various locations, and his next location isn’t exactly walking distance! He can explain better than I can and has written us a note below. We’re happy for you Sam, and we look forward to hopefully playing together again soon!
Stephen Mann
Worship Arts Pastor
To my brothers and sisters at GFC,
I wanted to write you a short note to let you know about some major changes in my life.
For the last several years, I have been acting as a healthcare EMR consultant (I help hospitals implement and optimize their electronic medical records). This job has taken me to hospitals in California, Virginia, Maryland, Ohio, and other places. These jobs have allowed me to do a lot of traveling, but also allowed me to be back home and at GFC on the weekends.
Most recently, an incredible opportunity has presented itself to take a contract role in Switzerland. And, as one can rightly understand, I jumped at the chance. (Plus I get to use those two years of German that I took in high school!). I will be there until at least December.
I am not leaving permanently, I am just taking a 9 month Swiss vacation, as it were. I would like GFC to know that as much as I will be enjoying my time in Switzerland, I will truly miss being able to worship with you all. When I first moved to Tennessee and started to attend GFC, the servant’s heart that I saw witnessed in the lives of so many spoke volumes to me about the heart of the church and the hearts of its members.
God always has a way of setting his children up for awesome experiences and awesome opportunities to be servants. My prayer has always been that everyone I come in contact with will be blessed and enlarged. I pray that it has been so here at GFC.
Blessings and I will see you again!
Sam Antley