Making Room
The middle of the back seat – that’s the place my brother, sister, and I tried to avoid at all costs. The world as we knew it could come to an end if my sister’s elbow accidentally touched me. There simply wasn’t enough room.
This weekend, you made room in your lives and in your monthly budgets for 199 children from Peru, Rwanda, and Mexico. What an incredible response! Thank you for your generosity and for creating space where the love of Christ can give a child hope for the future. If you would like to sponsor a child with Compassion, additional packets should be available in the lobby this weekend or you can sponsor a child now online.
The resurrection of Jesus makes room for us to participate in the life Jesus offers. When we receive new life by trusting in Jesus’ finished work and when we extend that life to others, we’re part of the new life God is creating. Making peace, doing justice, healing fractured relationships, enduring suffering, resisting temptation, and every act of compassion brings the reality and power of Jesus’ resurrection into our lives. Near the end of the New Testament, Jesus calls out: “Come! Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.” Who could you invite to celebrate the living hope of Jesus’ resurrection?
With Living Hope,
P.S. You can invite others to Easter at Grace by forwarding this link or by using invitation cards available in the church lobby. Easter service times are Saturday, April 20 at 6PM and Sunday, April 21at 8AM, 9:15AM, and 11AM. Consider worshipping Saturday at 6 or Sunday at 8 to make some room for newcomers to discover the hope that Jesus gives.

Titus O’Bryant
Teaching & Executive Pastor of Ministries