The Pulse – April 5
“The most important thing about you is not the things that you achieve; it is the person that you become.” – Dallas Willard
When we throw clothes into a dryer, the heat and friction create static energy that makes the separate items cling together with surprising stickiness. As we tumble through life, it’s easy and natural for all sorts of thoughts, feelings, and attitudes to stick to our soul. Countless concerns can pile up to choke out the vitality of our inner life.
In springtime, we often create time to clean out and organize our houses, garages, and basements… a real deep clean. Beginning this Sunday, we will take steps together to find freedom from the inner clutter that sometimes traps and holds us back from experiencing the kind of abundant life Jesus calls us to enjoy.
Would you join me in repeating a prayer from David: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”
I’m looking forward to seeing you this weekend,
Titus O’Bryant
Teaching Pastor