The Pulse – April 18
Hello all! Hope you are enjoying this SPRING day as much as I am… We’ll take them when we can get them!
Lately, God has been teaching me about the importance of rhythms.
Some of you may be aware that prior to being in ministry, I was a full-time drummer (Katie refers to this time as my “rockstar days”). Job number one for a drummer is to hold down the beat – to give the rest of the band something consistent to play along with… a rhythm. And just like rhythm is foundational for music, rhythm is foundational for our lives.
What rhythms are in my daily and weekly life that help me cultivate a deeper walk with God?
That’s a question I’ve been wrestling with lately. And in so doing, I’ve been reminded of the immense value of spending time alone with God on a consistent basis. While we typically refer to this as a “quiet time” in the modern, Protestant Church, a more historical term for this practice is “The Daily Office.” Taken from a Latin term which means “the work of God,” the ancient Church referred to the practice of spending time alone with God this way for centuries.
What strikes me about this language is the emphasis on time alone with God as “THE work of God.” It puts forward a vision that while I may engage in various other valuable spiritual practices throughout my day and week (giving, serving, listening to sermons, etc.), God works through time alone with Him in a UNIQUE way, and I ought to make sure I’m not neglecting it.
I hope and pray that as you make time for this work, God works IN YOU in a powerful way…
“for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure…” Phil. 2:13
Matt Murphy
Teaching & Staff Pastor