Re:generation Helping to Launch a New Ministry in Greeneville
Over the last several months, GFC’s Director of Care and Recovery, Rich Riesz, has been working with pastors Kris Carlson and Scott Wakefield of First Christian Church in Greeneville on the process of launching their own re:generation ministry. This is the story about how they discovered re:gen and the process of launching this ministry in their own words:
My name is Kris Carlson and I have a new life in Christ. I am in recovery for depression, anxiety, people-pleasing, and an addiction to pornography.” I never thought I would say those words out loud. As a pastor’s kid, I grew up in the fishbowl of ministry where admitting imperfection and brokenness are ‘not allowed.’ I was terrified of admitting my struggles out loud for fear of what people might think. That fear of exposure allowed my sin to go unchecked for many
In the months following my admission to addiction, I took myself to see a Christian counselor, who suggested I try attending re:generation recovery at GFC. After a few months, I began experiencing real healing. Scott asked if he could come along to check out re:gen. Turns out, he had been searching for a recovery program for us to host at FCC Greeneville. The next few months were full of surprises that I never would have imagined God had in store. Eventually we were bringing our church van filled with 12 people to GFC every Monday night, and we became the worship band, fully engaged in re:gen! Now 70 people are nearing commencement from our pilot group, preparing to launch to the Greeneville community in April, and our Pastor Scott is meeting personally with dozens of pastors from all over Greene County to invite them and their staff members to join us.
The gospel is expanding from re:gen at GFC to continue its work of creating a safe place to find identity in Christ that is victorious over the brokenness and sinful patterns in our lives.
Special thanks to Rich Riesz and so many at GFC re:gen who opened their arms to us. Please know we are praying for you and your continuing work to create a community of new life in Christ.
Kris Carlson
Minister of Worship, First Christian Church of Greeneville