Student Ministry Serving Forms

Leaders, please use the drop down menu to fill out and submit all forms below. We’re glad to have you on our team!

Select all that apply


Please list two adults you have known for at least one year, who are not related to you, and have knowledge of your character and ability to work with children/students.

Please review the GFC Doctrinal Alignment Form, then fill out the form below.

Please watch the Child Abuse Prevention video, read the Ministry Covenant, and then fill out the form below.

Family Life Ministry Covenant                                                                                                           

Thank you for your interest in serving as a volunteer in GFC’s Family Life Ministry!  We appreciate you taking the time to complete the application process.  There are a few things we think are important to communicate as you enter in the application and orientation process.

By choosing to enter into a leadership role in family life ministry, Grace Kids, or Grace Students, you are entering into a position of influence.  Our children and teenagers will watch you closely and take what you say seriously.  We think that is a good thing!  Leaders should be role models.  The challenge is that being a role model is all-encompassing.

As a role model, your lifestyle is part of the equation.  What you present on Sunday should be consistent with who you are the remainder of the week.  The consensus around what constitutes consistency between Sunday morning behavior and life in general can be subjective.  As culture changes, GFC sees the need to be more specific.  The three issues that surface the most have to do with sexual relationships, substance abuse, and social media.

The last thing we want to do is put you in a position where you feel pressure to teach, represent, or appear to give assent to a view on one of these subjects that you do not personally embrace.  So, to clarify, here is what we expect volunteers to communicate and model.

Regarding Sexual Behavior

We teach that sex was created by God as an expression of intimacy between a man and woman within the context of marriage.  Volunteers who embrace lifestyles or behaviors that conflict with this teaching will find themselves having to pretend to be something that they are not or believe something they don’t.  In an effort to protect you from a potentially awkward situation, we ask the following:

  • If you are involved in a sexual relationship and are not married, a family life team member would like to talk with you before applying.
  • If you are pursuing a same-sex relationship, a family life team member would like to talk with you before applying
  • In the spirit of being a good role model, if you are single and living with someone of the opposite sex, a family life team member would like to talk with you before applying. We do not want to put you in the awkward position of having to explain your arrangement if members of your group visit your home.
  • If you are married and are currently involved in a sexual relationship outside of your marriage, a family life team member would like to talk with you before applying.

Regarding Substance Abuse

If you have a history of alcohol or drug abuse, this might be something that God uses in a positive way to steer a future generation in a different direction.  If you feel that this is part of your message and perhaps part of your motivation for wanting to get involved with family life ministry, we would love to talk with you further.  While we might disagree on the timing of your involvement, we don’t want to miss an opportunity to partner with God and what He is doing in your life.

  • If you have been arrested or convicted of an alcohol or drug-related offense in the past 12 months, a family life team member would like to talk to you before applying.
  • If you are currently being treated for alcohol or drug abuse, a family life team member would like to talk with you before applying.
  • If you have used marijuana or any other illegal substance during the past year, a family life team member would like to talk with you before applying.
  • If consuming alcohol to the point of being unable to drive or to the point of it begin illegal for you to drive yourself home is a regular part of your weekend or weeknight routine, a family life team member would like to talk with you before applying.

Regarding Social Behavior

The kids or students in your small group will visit your Facebook, Instagram, or other social media outlets or sites.  So might their parents. While social media can be a great connection tool, it also serves as a window into your life beyond Sunday.  In light of that, we ask that you leverage social media with your group members in mind.

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