The Most Joyful Night of the Year

Serving in Access Ministry is the best serving opportunity at Grace Fellowship. Perhaps I’m a little biased, but there is nothing like being greeted every Sunday morning in the adult Access class with big smiles, hugs, and exclamations of “Ms. Lindsey!” The love of our Access friends truly knows no bounds, and being a part of this ministry has taught me that I have much to learn from them. If you’ve never gotten to spend time around the adult class, a typical Sunday looks like having a snack with a coffee or hot chocolate from the Café, coloring or creating art projects, and learning more about God and His great love for us. Sometimes learning looks like a formal lesson, but other times, we get to learn from each other by spending quality time together. We’re pretty flexible in Access because, at the end of the day, serving in Access is all about sharing God’s love with our friends with special needs.

Joy Prom is just around the corner (October 5th—mark your calendars!), and our Access friends are already looking forward to it. Joy Prom is an opportunity to celebrate our friends with special needs and their families from both our church and the community. What better way to share God’s love than by inviting our friends to dress to the nines and giving them the royal treatment with carriage rides, manicures and shoe shines, games, and dancing?

If you’re looking for a way to serve at GFC, Joy Prom is a great place to start. And once you’ve experienced the biggest night of Joy of the year, you can join us in Access for the same Joy every Sunday morning.

– Lindsey Feltman

Your opportunity to sign up to volunteer for Joy Prom is here! Visit to sign up.