Confusing Hunger with Thirst

Are you feeling hungry or thirsty? A Purdue University study from a few years ago revealed that most of our eating and drinking habits are not closely related to feeling hungry or thirsty. Some researchers argue that plentiful food, sweet drinks, and modern schedules are weakening the connection between feeling hungry and thirsty and eating or drinking habits to the point that we can misinterpret sensations of hunger and thirst. Many of us probably think we are hungry when we are actually thirsty, and this confusion can create some unexpected physical problems for us.

If physical cues of hunger and thirst can be misunderstood, could some of our strongest inner cravings mask the source of our most significant spiritual thirst?

Psalm 42 and 43 form one beautiful, somewhat sad song. If there were such a thing as a hopeful Blues song, this would be it. Included in this poem are multiple unsatisfied yearnings for normalcy, home, justice, and at least ten other realities. Read this song for yourself and see how many desires you can identify. But, the Psalmist understood that each of these cravings were really an expression of a deep and abiding thirst for God himself:

As the deer pants for the streams of living water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. (Psalm 42:1-2 NLT)

What is it that you crave or how do you wish our world or your life were different? Some of our strongest desires and most passionate responses to life reveal the desperation of our soul longing for God.

Part of the reason we have missed gathering for worship so much is that through being together, praising God, and listening to His word – we experience God’s presence. We are excited that beginning Sunday, July 5, we can worship onsite or online at 9:15 or 11AM. Whether you continue gathering online at or onsite at GFC’s physical campus, I pray that you experience God’s presence. Find additional details about meeting together at

Panting for God’s presence with you,


P.S. If you missed this weekend’s online worship and teaching, you can catch up by watching now:

Titus O’Bryant
Teaching & Executive Pastor of Ministries