Death, Taxes, and Certain Hope |
Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” I appreciate Joan Welsh’s take on that sentiment. “Maybe death and taxes are inevitable, but death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets!” The truth is that very few things in life are certain. Times like right now help remind us of that reality. In the midst of uncertainty, we need to remember that our Christian hope is not married to the results of a Presidential election, a vaccine, or a stable economy. As Malcolm Muggeridge once observed, “Just think if the early church had pinned their hopes to the Roman Empire!” That would have been a disaster. No, our hope is unshakeable, as the writer of Hebrews states (Heb. 12:28), because it is in a reality that our circumstances – however uncertain or unstable – cannot touch. If you’re like me, it’s easy to forget that, which is one reason why we are reading through the Gospel accounts of the life of Jesus this month. Click here to learn more. Would love for you to join me in being reminded of the Person who anchors us in uncertain times. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) Matt P.S. If you missed yesterday’s message on faith in an “us vs. them” world, you can watch it here. Looking forward to this weekend as we conclude our series. Join us onsite or online at 9:15 / 11am. Matt Murphy
Lead Pastor