Dear GFC Community,
Self-reliance is a stalwart American value. All of us live and breathe in the ethos of hard work, pull myself up by my bootstraps, and “I can do it on my own, thank you very much” nearly every day. What a rude awakening it is to find out that the Bible does not value independence and self-reliance. In fact, just the opposite.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7
Verses like this are smattered all over the Bible. God wants His people to live in active reliance not on our own resources or giftedness but on Him!
How do we cultivate this kind of attitude in the heart? Put more simply, how practically do we do dependency?… Prayer is the primary way. Brian Zahnd makes the case that the primary purpose of prayer is not to get God to do what we want but to be properly formed. Prayer forms us into the kind of people who trust God’s goodness and power.
We’ll meet at 6:30 pm in our main auditorium and join together in a simple, no-experience-required time of lifting our hearts to God. I invite you to come! No RSVP required. Just show up! (But, please let us know if you need childcare.)
Praying we all keep growing together in our dependency on God….
Matt Murphy
Lead Pastor
P.S. Now is a great time to join a group at GFC! There are a number of opportunities. Click here to learn more and see how you can grow spiritually alongside other believers at GFC this spring.