The Pulse: Following the Rabbi
August 7, 2024

Dear GFC Community,

It was so great to worship with you this past Sunday and remember together the vision that God has laid on our hearts as a church! (If you missed the message, watch it here). This coming Sunday, we dive back into our study of Luke….

There’s an ancient Jewish blessing pronounced over disciples who begin the daunting task of following a Rabbi that goes…”May you be covered in the dust of your Rabbi.”  In other words, may you walk so closely behind your Teacher that the dirt kicked up by their sandals envelops your whole being.

Kind of a bizarre “blessing.”

A disciple’s goal, though, was to be so influenced by their Rabbi’s thoughts and actions that the student couldn’t help but imitate the Teacher in their own thoughts and actions. And that’s our aim over the coming weeks and months. To have our eyes so fixed on Jesus (Heb. 12:1-2) and our hearts so attuned to His that we become more and more covered in His “dust” and transformed as a result.

We begin in the deep end of the pool. Read Luke 6:27-42 if you want a preview. The title of the message this Sunday is “Jesus Wants Me to What??”

Can’t wait to sit at the feet of the Master with you and learn from Him together!
