The Pulse: Perspective
August 29, 2024

Dear GFC Community,

One of the most life-giving books I’ve read this past year is Water from a Deep Wellby Jerry Sittser, an exploration of Christian spirituality from the early martyrs to modern missionaries. For some, the words “life-giving” and “book about church history” feel like they don’t belong in the same sentence! And normally I’d agree with that sentiment. But this one is excellent.

Part of what a book like this can do for us, as Christians, is give us perspective. The Christian tradition is bigger and richer than we often think about in our modern, hyper-individualistic context. (As I heard someone once say, “If Christianity was a tree, modern evangelicalism would not be the trunk.”)

As we look back on the various phases and stages of redemptive history and how God’s people have lived out their faith, we’re reminded…

  • The current challenges we’re facing aren’t new. (there’s “nothing new under the sun”)
  • God’s faithful character, purposes, and commitment to His people can be trusted!

For thousands of years, men and women have embarked on the journey of faith and joined in the mission of Jesus, and for thousands of years, God has shown Himself faithful. And He will continue to show Himself faithful… no matter what! As Paul puts so succinctly in 2 Timothy 2:13, “if we are faithless, He remains faithful.”

Remember that today.

As many of us used to sing when we were kids, “He’s got the whole world in His hands.” And all of us, too.


“The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” Psalm 46:7