GFC Community,
Many comforts we enjoy are underappreciated simply because of their commonplace nature. Typically we don’t realize how much we depend on these things or even appreciate them until we’re forced to go without them. For example…
There are so many everyday comforts we take for granted. Reflecting on this Memorial Day, it is apparent how freedom quickly climbs the list. Freedom is as common as the air we breathe in America. This certainly is not true in every country around the world which is why news reports of oppression or violence at the hands of a nation’s government are jolting. While America is not a perfect nation, she is a free nation whose spirit and determination are unmatched. Yet, today, we are reminded that our freedom as citizens came at a price. For the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and service people who’ve paid the ultimate price, we recall the words of Jesus, No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13). Some soldiers died for their friends, but most died for the freedom of people they would never meet. We are grateful for the sacrifice made. We are grateful to those who continue assuming the risks as they serve the people of this nation. We continue to pray for those in authority and that ultimately all will come to the knowledge of truth that Jesus is the one who gave himself as a ransom for all (1 Timothy 2:1-3). |
–Patrick Mitchell, Executive Pastor of Ministries