The Pulse: Summer’s Here!

June 15, 2022

Summer has begun! Well, officially it starts next week. However, with our rising temperatures, and (more importantly) our summer kickoff at GFC last week—summer is already off to a great start.

Last week, the grounds of GFC were covered with hundreds of people enjoying food, games, and lots of fun. Our thanks to all who volunteered to help children and families have fun and build positive relationships. The way that you give yourselves away to others helps make GFC a stronger church. Thank you for investing your time, energy, and resources this summer and all year long to keep building up and reaching our community.

This weekend is another milestone moment that you don’t want to miss. In both weekend worship services, a different group of adults and children will take the step of baptism. Baptism is an external sign of the internal reality of the new life we have received by faith in the finished work of Jesus. When we are baptized, we publicly identify ourselves with Jesus as part of his church. Going under the water identifies us with Jesus’ death and rising up out of the water symbolizes our union with him in resurrection life.

Celebrating baptism is a once-in-a-lifetime step to publicly follow Jesus and an encouraging reminder for all of us of the bond we share through our new life in Christ. You won’t regret being at GFC for part 2 in our Jonah series and cheering on those who are being baptized.

See you Sunday,


P.S. If you missed the first part of the teaching series on Jonah, catch up here. Consider who you could invite to GFC this weekend: onsite at 9:15 or 11am, or online anytime.

Titus O’Bryant
Teaching & Executive Pastor of Ministries