GFC Community,
It’s the one thing that changes everything. If Jesus wasn’t raised from the dead, then none of the rest of what we believe matters. As Paul puts bluntly, “If Christ has not been raised, (our) faith is futile…” (1 Cor. 15:17) Sobering words. But we believe, based on the eyewitness testimony of more than 500 people in the first century, that it did happen. Jesus rose from the dead! And now, as a result, everything’s different. Through Jesus’ resurrection and our union with Him by grace through faith, we share in His victory over sin and death and will spend eternity in His presence. But what about now? Practically, what difference does the resurrection of Jesus make in our lives today? What about messy relationships, chronic pain, financial challenges, or fill-in-the-blank with a thousand other permutations of brokenness in our world…. Does the resurrection of Jesus have something to say about that? Join GFC this coming Saturday and Sunday as we explore the answer and the tangible hope available to us through Jesus’ victory over death. Services are happening on Saturday, April 8 at 6 pm, and on Sunday, April 9 at 8 am, 9:30 am, and 11 am. Programming for infants through 3rd grade is available at all services except for the 8 am on Sunday. Click to learn more. I can’t wait to celebrate the resurrection of Christ together and all that it means for us as people of faith!See you this weekend. Matt P.S. Easter is a great opportunity to say to a friend, co-worker, or neighbor, “come sit with me.” Consider who in your circle you can invite to join you this Easter and hear about the reason for our hope. |