Dear GFC Community,

One of the implications of the book of Acts (and really the whole New Testament) is that the Gospel does not belong to any one particular race or culture. It’s remarkable to look at where followers of various religions are located. What you find is that with almost all religions, followers are concentrated in one or two countries where the religion began. For example, according to Pew Research data from 2014, 94% of Hindus live in India. 81% of Jews live in either the United States or Israel. Followers of Islam are more spread out, but still fairly concentrated, with 53% of Muslims living in 6 countries in Africa or South Asia.

However, with Christianity, the picture looks strikingly different. The 11 countries where there are the highest concentration of Christians make up only 50% of the world’s Christians. Meaning there is no single place on the map that has even close to the majority. (And those 11 countries are on every single continent except Australia and Antarctica)

The average Christian today is black or brown, African or Asian, female, and of low economic status… A great reminder for all of us that the Gospel does not belong to any one race or culture!

This is part of the reason why I’m so grateful to be a part of a church that seeks to engage God’s global mission through partnering with individuals all over the world. This upcoming week, several of us head to Bumala, Kenya to study the letter of 1 Peter with a group of pastoral leaders.(And we covet your prayers!)

Broken and vulnerable people are all over (especially right now with what is happening in Israel and Ukraine). Let’s keep remembering that and pray that in God’s mercy He would draw all of us to Himself and a deeper experience of the life we have in Jesus.


P.S. Two weeks ago we let you know about a need for around 4,000 cans of Chef Boyardee and Beanie Weenies in order to meet our goals for the Mountain View School backpack food program. In one week, we received over 12,000 cans!!! So thankful to be a part of such a generous and responsive church…