The High Price of Hurry
“Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life in our day.” – Dallas Willard
I feel like I’m always in a hurry. In one of our early morning frenzies this past week to get the kids out the door and to school on time, my 6 year-old yelled, “Don’t rush me!” I think if I had ears to hear, my soul might be saying the same thing to me these days.
The quote above from Dallas Willard has always resonated with me. There are some things in life that you simply can’t have (or maintain) while moving at warp speed. Spiritual vitality is one of them.
Another one is community. Brian Hedges warns, “The requirement for true intimacy is chunks of unhurried time. If you think you can fit deep community into the cracks of an overloaded schedule – think again… You can’t do community in a hurry.”
Many of us hope to experience deep and meaningful relationships, but have a hard time making the time to pursue them. But without a consistent investment of time, our hopes of deep relationships will not be realized. Why? Deep connection requires regular investment.
Let me encourage you to think about (if you haven’t) joining a group at Grace Fellowship this spring. It is a GREAT time to do so, and by making time to be a part of a group that meets regularly, you are investing in your relational and spiritual well being! You can find out more information here.
Grace and Peace,
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works…” – Hebrews 10:24

Lead Pastor