The Pulse: Well Done
What do you want written on your tombstone? Kind of a morbid question, I know, but an important one to consider. I think for me, at the end of the day, if I had to choose one word I’d want said of me when it’s all said and done, it might be “FAITHFUL”.
At the end of one of Jesus’ parables, the master (representing God) says to his loyal steward, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your master.” (Matthew 25:21)
What a statement. And it’s worth pondering. After all, he doesn’t say…
– Well done, good and successful servant…
– Well done, good and influential servant…
– Well done, good and capable servant…
But well done, good and FAITHFUL servant.
There are two men in the life of our church that have been examples of FAITHFULNESS to us all. After serving on the elder board for a collective 39 (!) years, Rob Hughes and Jud McGowan will be rotating off the elder board this December.

Rob has been a steady, wise, and compassionate presence on the elder board and in our church. I’ve always appreciated Rob’s heart to serve and help those around him, demonstrated in many ways inside and outside the walls of the church.

Jud has been a perceptive, discerning, and humble leader at GFC and will likewise be greatly missed on the elder board. I’ve appreciated Jud’s commitment to hold together both truth and love, as well as his sense of humor!
It’s also appropriate to say that we as a board are extremely grateful for Rob’s wife, Sally, and Jud’s wife, Michelle. Serving so faithfully as elders would have been impossible without Sally and Michelle’s faithful love and support of them, as well as GFC.
Will you take a moment and express a quick note of appreciation to Rob and Jud and their families for their years of faithfully serving this community of faith?
May we all strive to run the race God’s set before each of us, that we may hear “good and faithful” spoken over us one day to the glory of God.

Matt Murphy
Lead Pastor