Unshackled: Losing My Guilt and Shame
The Bible says in Isaiah 35:5 “then the eyes of the blind shall be opened.” Well, that’s exactly what the study Unshackled did for me. It opened my eyes to what I really did. And as hard as that was to see and finally admit out loud, it was freeing! It helped me see clearly how Satan was trying to convince me that this sin was unforgivable, and he loved holding it over my head. He would lie to me by telling me this sin was greater than what Christ did for me on the cross. This study helped me to finally see that it wasn’t! For sin is sin, one isn’t any bigger than another in God’s eyes. God hates all sin.
This post-abortion Bible study has also shown me that I can be “healed” from the brokenness and loss of an abortion, all through God’s word. I saw that I was worthy to be used by God, to further His kingdom. 1 John 9:11 tells us, “if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” God looks upon me and sees only His righteousness through Jesus. This study has allowed me to confess my sins to others and be obedient without feeling condemnation.
It helped me to realize that my body lost something. Like any other expecting mother who loses a child, my body didn’t know what happened. It just knew something was there and then it was gone, and it didn’t do it on its own. So I learned the process of grieving for what my body lost as well as my heart, and for that matter, the world. Because we don’t know what plans God had for that little one and all the others that have been lost due to the devil’s lies about abortion.
Unshackled is a Bible study that is rooted in Biblical principles and uses many different Bible interpretations, such as KJ, NKJ, NIV, and The Message. It is an 8-week, in-depth study that no woman aspires to go through. And for me and other post-abortive women, it’s a study we don’t feel we need to go through. However, it’s a study that once we do go through it, we are glad we did and want to help others see the lies of Satan become replaced by the truth in God’s word.
So again, what has this study done for me? It has shown me that God will give His strength to anyone who asks. It takes great strength to keep a secret, but it takes even greater strength, His strength, to surrender it. I kept my secret for twelve years. Through this study I found His strength, and now He’s using my secret to help others in the same situation. Since this study, God has given me several opportunities to share my testimony. I am no longer afraid to talk about abortion because I want to help young ladies know that abortion is a lie. I want them to know that they will NOT be just fine, and it will NOT be over in just a few moments! I want to help ladies like me who have been through an abortion, to let them know there is healing for them and that Jesus’ obedience to The Father on the Cross is sufficient enough for all of us and for all our sins. Including “this” sin. I am redeemed by Jesus!
Unshackled: Lose the Guilt and Shame is a Grace Women study beginning April 10 for any woman who longs to shed the shame and guilt of abortion by looking at God’s Word in a confidential and safe environment.