Will You Help?

He is risen indeed! And, because Jesus rose from the dead, everything is different. If you missed the weekend service, want to watch again, or want to share with someone else, here’s your link. Be sure to participate online this Sunday at 10:30 at gfcnow.com, on Facebook, and now on YouTube.

One of the ways that Jesus’ resurrection changes us is that when we face adversity we want to find ways to serve and help others and not only look after ourselves. That’s part of the reason engaging service is one of our values. We want to use everything God has given us to reach out to others and demonstrate the new life we enjoy in Jesus, especially in times like this. If you’ve been looking for ways to serve others, here’s an opportunity for you!

During the week, Johnson City Schools provide lunches for elementary children, but on the weekends, families are on their own. That’s where you can help. Mountain View and Call•Pray•Help volunteers have been providing weekend bags of food for families connected with Mountain View Elementary School, and now you can help by collecting and dropping off non-perishable food items to feed a local family:

Items to include in each food bag:

  • 1 jar of peanut butter
  • 1 box of crackers or loaf of bread
  • 1 bag of rice or box of pasta
  • 1 jar of pasta sauce
  • 2 cans of any of the following: Chef Boyardee, soup, or Beanie Weenies

At the church:

  • Drop off food bags at GFC on Monday, April 20, 9am-3pm.
    Place items in the shopping cart located under the awning at the East office entrance.

    • Simply place your grocery bags into the cart and follow directions on the sign.
    • A staff member or volunteer will sort the groceries and assemble the weekend bags.
  • Sanitizer and Clorox wipes will also be available for you to wipe down your hands, car handles, and steering wheel after you drop off your groceries.
  • Please take all precautions for shopping recommended by the CDC to protect yourself and others.

This is a simple way to love and serve others that will mean more than we might imagine to families in our area. We may not be physically meeting together, but…

We are still the church,


Titus O’Bryant
Teaching & Executive Pastor of Ministries