A Year in Review
Dear GFC Community,
Hard to believe that 2018 is almost in the books! As I look back on the past 50 weeks in the life of our church, the primary emotion I feel is gratitude.
Our church has been used by God to build our community…
- 810 adults participated in group environments where they were shaped by God’s grace.
- Over 1,200 different children and students were impacted through Biblical teaching and authentic relationships in relevant environments.
- 32 individuals completed Regeneration, bringing the total now to 101 since its inception in 2014. This includes 11 who have started their own regeneration ministry at a local church in Greeneville.
And our church has been used by God to reach our community…
- At Mountain View Elementary, over 100 kids participated in our Kickball League, and nearly 40 kids received one-on-one attention and love through having a lunch buddy.
- More than 1,000 volunteers served in Joy Prom and Echo and demonstrated God’s grace to our community in tangible ways.
- We celebrated with 22 individuals as they went public with their faith in Jesus through baptism!
- People in Johnson City, Peru, Indonesia, Central Asia, and North Africa were impacted by God’s grace through our local and global partnerships.
All by His grace. It’s wonderful to be a part of what God is doing! One tangible way we partner with God in this effort is through giving financially. Let me invite you to consider a year-end gift to the mission and ministry of GFC. Your giving makes a difference! In our church, in our community, and around the world.
The easiest way to give now is to giveĀ online. Of course, you are welcome to give by mail or in one of our secure offering boxes throughout the building.