Did You Know GFC Has a Prayer Wall?
“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, I don’t know about you, but that verse gives me chill bumps. The thought of the Holy Spirit interceding on our behalf is amazing. And what an honor it is for us to also be able to intercede for others! On GFC’s Prayer Wall, you can share your own requests, and because we have all had unspoken requests, those situations and seasons that are private or the details just aren’t ours to share, you can opt for your request to be shared anonymously. The Prayer Wall also offers a way for a larger church to feel smaller. There you can see prayer requests from others, let them know you prayed for their requests, and see prayers answered through request updates. While serving during Echo one year, I met and served alongside someone I had prayed for. I was able to put a face with a name and to see how far God had brought them. In that moment, GFC felt smaller and more intimate to me. Praying for others also helps grow our own prayer life and walk with Christ. I had an experience once where I prayed for someone’s grandchild for several months and was able to pray for specific issues in their medical journey, for stamina for the child’s parents, for understanding and comfort for the child, and for the child’s siblings to feel loved due to their parents having to be so absent to be with the sick child. Watching for the updates became so meaningful and I didn’t even know the name of the child or their family members. But it didn’t matter! God did. God knew their name and needs. But praying for them was not only a blessing for that family – it was also drawing all of us “pray-ers” closer to God.
I encourage you to allow Him to work in you and through you by using the GFC Prayer Wall. Click here to learn more and get started.