Just 1 Hour a Week
We are so thankful for the We Love Mountain View Ministry through GFC. For so long we have known the need is great to jump in and serve. This year we moved beyond thinking about that and took action. I (Jan) first considered what might be my sweet spot of all the different serving opportunities available. I landed on becoming a Homeroom Helper. I was assigned to a kindergarten class and what a joy it’s been ever since. The “itty bitty’s,” as I call them, have become like 17 additional grandchildren. I spend a couple hours once a week with them in the classroom working on their reading and math skills, completing an assignment, or just playing a fun game with them like Jenga. It warms my heart when I walk in and they are so excited to see me. They love to give hugs and tell me whatever is on their minds at the time. The teacher is always so appreciative of me being there to help with the students in addition to providing her support with basic clerical needs to free her to focus on the students.
We have had the joy of raising two boys of our own. We know that children need to have the best chance available to them to be successful in their schools, in their relationships, and what life holds for them and their dreams. That may be having an adult they can count on to be consistent and believe in them – outside of their family.
I (Paul) had the opportunity to be a Lunch Buddy. I have been hanging out with Bradlee every Tuesday at his lunchtime this school year. He greets me with a big smile every time I see him, which turns into a big hug when I leave along with his attempt to talk me into staying “just a little longer.” He has been a joy as he speaks of his favorite teacher, his classmates, his interests and his family with his baby sister that he loves so much. When I asked Bradlee what he was going to remember most about his second-grade year he answered; his teacher and hanging out with you! That just warmed my heart!
Was God done stretching us? We think not… so when early spring rolled around, we saw that a six-week Sports Clinic was being offered. Having a knowledge and interest in sports ourselves and Paul’s past experience of coaching some of our own boy’s teams, we felt this was a good fit. After the first couple weeks, we honestly asked ourselves why did we sign up for this, but once we overcame those selfish thoughts and reminded ourselves it’s about the difference we can make in a child’s life, just being present is why we were there. These children live in a life of chaos at times, so for us to teach them something as simple as kicking a soccer ball or dribbling a basketball made it all worth taking an hour out of our week to be present and love on them.
There are so many ways to get involved at Mountain View. We encourage you to consider your place in serving. These students need your love and friendly smile that can make a difference in their life. The staff at Mountain View is so appreciative of GFC’s partnership in growing their kids!
Paul and Jan Jacobson
You can make a difference in the life of a local child! Click here to view this year’s opportunities!