There are a variety of ways YOU can help make Sunday happen!

Serving on a volunteer team is a great way to get connected at GFC, and your time will have a big impact on the lives of our children, students, and adults on Sunday mornings! We are in great need volunteers to serve in crucial roles that create an excellent worship experience for us all on Sundays. Sign up using the form on the bottom of the page and a GFC staff member will follow up with you.


Help create a warm, welcoming environment as they offer a friendly smile, a helping hand, and information that allows guests to better experience the love of Christ. No prior experience or training is required

Access Ministry Volunteers

Access is GFC’s ministry to individuals with special needs and their families. Access continues to grow, and we currently have a high demand for additional volunteers. You can serve in our adult Access group, be a buddy with an elementary student, or a one-on-one volunteer for kids who participate in Access sensory areas during Sunday services. We strive to welcome all children, adults and families to GFC with open arms and provide a place where they belong, and your willingness to serve will accomplish that! 

Adult Grace Kids Volunteers (18+)

Partner with families to support the growth of an authentic, reproducible faith in Jesus. Grace Kids is looking for some adult volunteers to lead engaging activities, share worship, and lead bible teaching time.

*Application process required including references, authorization for background check and basic safety/security training.

Media Contributor

Take pictures of GFC worship services and lobby activities, suggest captions, capture quotes from messages, and send them to the Communications Director for use on GFC’s social media channels during the week.

Sunday Production & Livestream Volunteers

Help make a difference in the lives of others by joining the behind the scenes team that supports our Sunday worship services.  There are places to serve for all skill levels – from novice to expert.  Sign up below to learn more or schedule a preview weekend.

Let us know you’re interested below and a GFC team member will connect with you with more information!

Check all that apply*