Amnesia of the Soul
Monday was Memorial Day – a day for us to remember those who have given their life to preserve and protect the freedoms we have in this country. We need days like Memorial Day, because we forget… We forget the incredible sacrifice that these men and women have made; we forget the sacrifice their families have made; we forget.
The Bible seems to place a pretty big emphasis on how we forget, too. That’s why one of the most common commands God gives His people is to “remember”. We all have an amnesia of the soul.
Reading Psalm 77 this week, I was reminded (see what I did there) of how I need to remember what God has done in my life. The Psalmist is discouraged and says things like, “I am so troubled that I cannot speak…” (77:4). But then the Psalmist shifts when he says, “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.” (77:11). And this remembering leads the Psalmist out of despair to a place of hope. His circumstances are still troubling, but he has peace because of his confidence in God.
And here’s what we need to see:
When we forget what God has done, we find it difficult to trust what He is doing and what He promises that He will do.
Join me this week in making time to remember who God is and what He’s done. Trust me, our souls need it.
P.S. We conclude our sermon series on Job entitled “Even When It Hurts” this coming Sunday! Make sure you don’t miss the powerful and surprising ending to Job’s story. See you this weekend.

Matt Murphy
Lead Pastor