An Unlikely Teacher

A preacher was giving a lecture on the minor prophets in his church and came to the book of Habakkuk. “We have now come to the book of Habakkuk,” he said, “and what shall we do with Habakkuk?” A man sitting in the back said, loud enough for the room to hear, “He can have my seat. I’m going home.”

Most of us don’t think of Habakkuk as brimming with wisdom for how to live out our faith in a modern world, but in reality it’s packed with relevant insights. As Solomon once said, “There is nothing new under the sun.” The anxiety, uncertainty, and fatigue that most of us feel right now is not new to this moment. And we need to be reminded, from men and women of faith who have gone before us, that God can be trusted… even when He doesn’t meet our expectations. I hope you’ll join us this coming Sunday for part 2 in our new teaching series, “When God Doesn’t.” (If you missed this past Sunday’s message, watch here.)

Speaking of weekend services, as local cases of Covid-19 continue to rise and impact our health system, I want to encourage you to worship online, if you are able. We recognize that not everyone is able to do that, and so for now we will continue to host services onsite with precautions in place.

Let’s continue trusting God while taking steps to love those around us.


Matt Murphy
Lead Pastor