GFC Community,

Our vision at GFC is helping broken and vulnerable people find life in Christ. That looks like a lot of different things. One of those is strategic partnerships with organizations like Kairos Prison Ministry. Every 6 months, Kairos sends a team of volunteers into Northeast Correctional Complex to spend a weekend showing and sharing the love of Jesus with the residents who live there. GFC participates by providing cookies which are given out to residents, but several GFCers also serve on the front lines during these weekends.

After this most recent Kairos weekend, we received some written comments from the residents. I want to share an excerpt of one of those with you…
“We at NECX would like to thank you for everything you do for us. You have no idea how much your love, prayers, hard work, and time mean to those of us who are incarcerated. Prison can be a dark depressing world. It is designed to keep our thoughts on our worst moments, on the darkest times in our past…
When you support or participate in volunteering for the Kairos weekend, you aren’t just visiting “the least of these,” you are changing lives. During our brief weekend together, our lives are flipped upside down. For the briefest of possible moments, we aren’t inmates… We become human. We become men. We become loved…
For all of you that support this ministry in any way, from those that pray for us, to those who bake cookies, prepare and cook the food we eat, to those that make financial donations and volunteer for this ministry, we all here at NECX want to extend our deepest gratitude. Your contributions, whatever they may be, are changing our hidden world… You have impacted our lives more than you can ever know. THANK YOU!!”
How cool is that!? So grateful for opportunities like this where we can join God in reaching our community. As we transition into summer, know that there are always opportunities like this – to show God’s love to others both inside and outside the walls of GFC through serving. You can learn more about those here.

Speaking of transitions, one of our elders, Randy Ferguson, is rotating off of the Elder Board after four years of service. I’m grateful for Randy’s leadership over the past few years, his faithfulness and consistency, and his heart for GFC and God’s Word.

Have a great week!

Matt Murphy, Lead Pastor