Heavenly Peace

A little boy and a little girl were singing their favorite Christmas carol in church the Sunday before Christmas. The boy concluded “Silent Night” with the words, “sleep in heavenly beans.” His sister elbowed him, and said, “No. Not beans, peas!” It’s been said that with the way many of us feel by the time we are ready for Christmas, the song might just as well end with beans or peas instead of peace.

In the frantic rush that tends to hit right about the time we put our Thanksgiving dishes in the dishwasher, the peace of the Christmas season seems to elude us. I know it can for me.

We tend to spend a great deal of energy (both physically and emotionally) on preparing our homes, Christmas trees (as well as the presents underneath), and meal menus over the weeks leading up to Christmas. And those activities are great! But I have an encouragement for you…

This December, don’t forget to prepare your heart as well.

One way we prepare our hearts for Christmas is by remembering that peace is not found in a smooth and care-free December, a completed to-do list, or the experience of our family sitting around the Christmas tree without hitting one another. Peace, true and heavenly peace, is found in a Person. The One who left the comforts of heaven and experienced the opposite of peace (hostility and conflict) so that we could be reconciled to Him. In Him and Him only, can we experience heavenly peace.


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Matt Murphy
Lead Pastor