GFC Community,

One detail that is easy to miss in 2 Timothy 1 is Paul’s reference to Timothy’s mother…

I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. – 2 Timothy 1:5

It’s quite clear that in Paul’s mind, Timothy’s grandmother and mother both had a significant, shaping impact on Timothy’s faith. Beyond physical characteristics like eye color and height, there are spiritual characteristics that tend to “run in the family.” Timothy’s family is Exhibit A, but there are many examples of mothers having a seismic impact on the spiritual vibrancy of their families. As I reflect on my own life, I’m so grateful for my own mom’s strong faith and tender heart for the Lord and how it has influenced me.

This coming Sunday, in case you forgot, is Mother’s Day! Still time to grab a gift or order flowers, or both. What an incredible blessing to get to celebrate the mothers in our lives and their incalculable impact on us and the kids we love. Excited to do that together this Sunday. As an added bonus, we’ll get to see and be a part of a dozen families dedicating their children to God.

I also want to acknowledge that Mother’s Day is complicated for many people as they process, and relive to some degree, feelings of loss and loneliness from the past, or even the present. And if Mother’s Day lands that way for you, I pray God brings comfort to your heart this weekend.

This Sunday, we’ll also tie a bow on The Way of Jesus series that we’ve been in for the past four months. Jesus, being the brilliant teacher that He is, ends the greatest sermon ever with one of the greatest conclusions ever. You won’t want to miss hearing what He has to say!

Grace and Peace,

Matt Murphy, Lead Pastor