The Pulse: Words Matter

A story is told of a cowpoke in west Texas who rode into town and saw a sign on the sheriff’s wall. It said, “Man Wanted for Robbery.” The guy went in the sheriff’s office and said, “I’ve got two six-guns, I’ll take the job.” What he didn’t realize is that a man was wanted not in order to rob, but because there had been a robbery. Big mistake!

Words matter. For followers of Jesus, no words matter more than God’s Words to us in Scripture. The 66 books of the Old and New Testaments help not only guide and comfort us, but they are used by the Spirit of God to shape us! In a season where new resolutions are on our minds, one of the most important habits we can adopt is to regularly engage the life-changing Word of God.

This is why we are encouraging GFCers to participate in the 52 Weeks of Gold Bible memorization plan this year. Each week, we are seeking to internalize specific verses from the Bible that are worth committing to memory. You can learn more here. Would love for you to join me in making this part of your 2021!

On Sunday mornings for the next few weeks, we’re taking a deeper look at some of these verses in our new teaching series, Words to Live By (if you missed yesterday’s message, you can watch it here). I hope that you will join us online this coming Sunday as we explore one of my favorite verses in the Bible.

Happy New Year,



Matt Murphy
Lead Pastor