There is No Age Limit on Getting Baptized!
I grew up in a Christian household. We went to church, we prayed when needed, and we knew God. In my teenage years, I was in youth group, and I even attended a Christian college. However, one night not long ago, I knew I needed to ask Jesus Christ to be my personal Savior. I had never really ASKED to be saved, I just assumed I was. That night, I asked Jesus Christ to save me from my sins.
A few months after, I told my dad that I really thought I was ready to take the step to show everyone how great my God really is. However, I was always scared that people would judge me because of my age. I thought that you were supposed to get baptized as a child. Being 22 years old, I was concerned what others might think, but there is no age limit on getting saved or baptized!
After many days of prayer, the day came – Baptism day! Matt Murphy talked to me about my wonderful decision, and my dad was right by my side to help baptize me. As I was being dipped into the water, a flood of emotions fell over me. Jesus died for me and loves me no matter what. I am a child of God, and now, everyone knows. Baptism was the biggest blessing I have ever received.
Jessica Colley
If you are ready to take the step of Baptism visit to learn more and sign up!