United and Scattered
“Just as you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world.“ (John 17:18 NLT) This weekend, we were reminded of the essential unity we experience through our shared mission. If you missed the online worship and teaching, catch up by watching here, and be sure to participate online this Sunday at 10:30 AM at gfcnow.com/live or on Facebook. Part of the beauty and power of the church is found in how the church is “decentralized.” We are not limited to specific locations or physical places, because the church is made up of people, not buildings. Right now, we are learning this truth in a new way. We are scattered and truly decentralized, but we are still united as one body worshiping one Lord and sharing one faith. This weekend, we plan to celebrate communion together even though we are meeting in separate locations. Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, is a beautiful testimony to our unity of life and faith because of the sacrifice of Jesus. You can help make this a powerful spiritual experience for you and those in your household by preparing to participate at home. Prepare this week by spending some time with the Lord examining the state of your soul, expressing gratitude for our new life through the death and resurrection of Jesus, and organizing the elements of bread and juice to participate at home. Use bread that’s available to you, and if you want to do some baking… here’s a recipe for communion bread that my family will be trying out:
Mix all ingredients. Knead 1 minute. Rest 20 minutes (the dough, not you). Roll thinly and bake on cookie sheet at 350 degrees for about 8-10 minutes or until done. Keep a close eye on it. After 5 minutes it can bake quickly and burn. If you post any photos of baking bread or preparing for communion on social media, tag GFC so others can connect, too (#gfcnow). I’m praying that God will use this shared experience to create peace within us by drawing us closer to himself as well as creating a powerful witness to others of who Jesus is and what he has done for us. One in Christ, Titus O’Bryant
Teaching & Executive Pastor of Ministries