Invest in your relationship with your family this year!
GFC, in partnership with Providence Academy, will host David Thomas for a 2-day parenting conference on March 26 & 27. David will show us what kids teach adults, how to nurture resilience in our kids, and how to raise emotionally-strong kids. Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, work with kids, or serve with kids, you won’t want to miss this event.
Click here to read about our last Parenting Conference with David Thomas.
David Thomas is the Director of Family Counseling at Daystar Counseling Ministries in Nashville, TN. He is the co-author of ten books, including the best-selling Wild Things: The Art of Nurturing Boys and Are My Kids on Track? The 12 Emotional, Social & Spiritual Milestones Your Child Needs to Reach, as well as his two latest titles, Raising Emotionally Strong Boys and Strong and Smart: A Boy’s Guide to Building Healthy Emotions.

He is a frequent guest on national television and podcasts, including his own called Raising Boys and Girls, has been featured in publications like The Washington Post and USA Today, and speaks across the country. He and his wife, Connie, have a daughter, twin sons, and a yellow lab named Owen.
Raising Boys and Girls helps adults understand the differences between girls and boys and learn to use tools that will help them communicate, understand, and connect with kids of all ages. Parents, grandparents, church volunteers, and other caregivers of children from preschool to high school can learn to recognize that being a positive adult example for their boys and girls is one of the most important jobs they have. It’s a great resource for Sunday School classes, parenting classes at church or as community outreach, and teacher training at church.