The Pulse: Free Indeed

At a Bazaar in northern India, a devout Brahman stumbled across a merchant selling a group of quail. He had tied a string around one leg of each bird and tied the other ends of the strings to a ring in the middle. The quail walked dolefully around the circle, like mules at a mill. Moved with compassion, the Brahman said, “I want to buy them all.” The merchant’s elation turned to surprise when the buyer said, “Now, set them free!” After untying the strings, the merchant and Brahman stared as the birds kept marching around in a circle. Even when shooed away, they resumed their predictable routine.

Yesterday, Titus reminded us of the Good News. God loved us while we were still sinners, and now through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, we are forgiven and FREED from the penalty and power of sin (if you missed the message, watch it here). No matter how familiar with the Gospel we may be, we never graduate from needing to be reminded of it.

As the hymn Come Thou Fount puts it, our hearts are “prone to wander.” We have a way of migrating away from the Gospel and living like we’re still in bondage, like we’ve still got strings on our legs (spiritually speaking). We fall into familiar patterns, we mess up, and our hearts condemn us.

The liberating power of the Gospel is that Jesus looks at you, knowing full well your flaws and failures and says, “I don’t condemn you… I have forgiven you, and you are free.” Let’s remember today that it really is true! “If the Son sets you free, then you are free indeed.” (John 8:36)


P.S. Please consider being a part of encouraging health care workers and teachers through praying, providing a basket for a break room, or writing a note to express gratitude. You can learn more and sign up to participate here.

Matt Murphy
Lead Pastor