Camdyn Cecil, 11th grade, serves as a volunteer in the Kindergarten room during the 11 am Sunday service. She has been serving in this children’s ministry for six years! The last four years have been spent specifically with kindergarteners.
How did you decide to get involved, and why did you choose this volunteer role?
I originally decided to get involved because of an announcement made in the service one day. I thought that my small skill set at the time would perfectly fit with Grace Kids. I felt it was the best way for me to serve, and I could offer the most to the community.
What is your favorite memory from volunteering with GFC?
It is hard to pick a specific one, there are so many wonderful memories I have made while working. But getting to see the kids I’ve had beyond kindergarten and getting a good wave or hello. Knowing that I made an impression on them that extends beyond Sunday mornings is so wonderful.
What would you say to someone who wants to get involved in a volunteer role?
That it is such an amazing experience and that you learn and grow right alongside the kids.