Women’s Bible Study

Grace Women's Spring Bible Study Journey Together: A Study of Galatians Gather around the table for a transformative journey through the

Women’s Bible Study2024-02-13T16:10:55-05:00

IF: Gathering 2023

IF:Gathering 2023 Grace Women enjoyed a live simulcast of nationally-recognized speakers, worship, and global updates on Bible translation efforts. Women from

IF: Gathering 20232023-03-15T10:31:59-04:00

Women & The Church

March is Women's History Month! We are celebrating by remembering and sharing the stories of influential women in church history.

Women & The Church2023-05-09T13:12:57-04:00

Raising Boys and Girls

Invest in your relationship with your family this year! GFC, in partnership with Providence Academy, will host David Thomas for a 2-day

Raising Boys and Girls2023-05-09T13:21:37-04:00