2023 IF:Gathering

You are invited to experience IF:Gathering 2023 with Grace Women! We all want to stay faithful in these changing times,

2023 IF:Gathering2023-01-24T14:08:08-05:00

Sufficient Grace

Sufficient Grace My husband, Mason, and I moved to Johnson City from Louisville, Kentucky in May of 2020 for him to complete

Sufficient Grace2021-05-27T15:41:23-04:00

It Was Us Three

It Was Us Three “You should invest in a timeshare for this week,” said my doctor as he checked on my C-section

It Was Us Three2020-05-08T20:18:20-04:00

Building Community

Building Community May I just share how thankful and grateful my husband and I are to have found Grace Fellowship Church? Last

Building Community2019-10-17T10:07:34-04:00